Saturday, August 3, 2019

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Zep Product Review

I wanted to let you all in on some great products I was able to sample from Crowdtap. I was given Zep cleaners to try. I've was able try the All around Oxy Degreaser, and the Quick clean disinfectant. I'm sick now with a bad cough so disinfecting the house is so important. The Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant is amazing and fast! It kills germs and cleans in seconds.  My husband can't afford to be sick because he's super busy, and my daughter who is in highschool can't afford missing school either, so a clean, healthy home is so important.  Flu season is upon us also and the whole family is dragging in germs so it's super important to keep the house clean and disinfected. A lot of cleaners take 10 minutes or more to disinfect but Zep kills germs in 5 seconds! No seriously 5 seconds people! Amazing for me because it's helps me finish my cleaning with confidence that it's done right.
My counters were a mess and my bathrooms too, germs though invisible were everywhere I'm sure with my family! I was floored at how brilliant and shiny everything sparkled and knowing the germs were gone was a plus for me.

 The Zep All around Oxy cleaner and degreaser to get rid of grime and stains on just about any surface. I have some aweful counter stains and even worse on my rugs! Zep helped me say adios to them fast. It's tough enough to handle the grime and stains and safe to use on delicate surfaces as well.  Wine on a carpet? Wine on a couch? Those stains are just a memory with the Zep. I'm a skeptic at heart, so when a product like  Zep proves me wrong I'm a huge fan and love spredding the word.  My dog has left a few tough unwanted throw up stains and guests have unfortunately added some wine and food stains to my rugs and couches. Zep All around Oxy got rid of them so fast my head spinned! So, listen up people if you don't have any Zep cleaners get in the car and get some!  Zep has so many great products like drain openers, leather cleaners and stainless steal polish. If you have a tough messes from your car to garage, or home Zep has you covered. I was very lucky Zep and Crowdtap chose me to sample the Zep  All Around Oxy Degreaser and  the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant for free. I am extremely grateful and glad to have been chosen to try them and share my knowledge with others. Visit to learn more. Also check out Crowdtap to learn about products you love and have fun and win prizes too!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tazo chai

I got to try Tazo chai for free from Smiley360. I really enjoyed the flavors especially the pumpkin spice. check out the link I provided for more info. I love the spices like cardamom, ginger and black pep per with the black tea is so delicious. It comes in both filter bags and liquid concentrate as well ad seasonal flavors like the pumpkin spice which I love. SO delicious.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Smiley360 Have your Say with a Smile!

Try products, give your honest opinions and try things for free!Simley360 is fun and informative. Click on link below and get in on the fun.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Pepcid Complete Review

I was able to try Pepcid Complete for free. It was mint flavor. I liked it and it really helped my indigestion. Click on link to get a 2$ coupon

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

NEW Preparation H® Medicated Wipes for Women

NEW Preparation H® Medicated Wipes for Women

I'm receiving them for free from Smiley 360. Stay tuned for more feedback from me but click on link in the meantime. Enjoy:)